Oregon Political Tax Credit

Your contribution can make a big difference in our efforts to elect Jeff Helfrich as for Senate District 26.

If you file an Oregon tax return, you may be eligible for the Oregon Political Tax Credit which allows you to make a contribution of up to $100 (married filing jointly, $50 individual filers) to the Friends of Jeff Helfrich Political Action Committee and receive every dollar of it back when you file your income tax return next year.

This is not a deduction. It is a tax credit. That means that if you owe money to the state at the end of the year, you will owe up to $100 less. If you are due a refund, your refund will be that much more.

Through our tax system, the State of Oregon gives each tax-paying Oregonian a $50 gift. But you can’t keep it. You either pay it back in state taxes—or donate it to a qualified political committee like Friends of Jeff Helfrich in order to take advantage of this tax credit.

If you have questions, please reach out to us at info@jeffhelfrich.com or consult your tax advisor for more information.

Thank you for your support.