Letter: Keep Helfrich
Jeff Helfrich has a long track record of honorable service to our country, to our state and our local community. It is clear, based on his record and his recent comments in the Portland Tribune, that he is the voice of fiscal responsibility we very much need in Salem. He has both said and demonstrated that he can and will work with ALL legislators to solve issues in a manner that respects the dollars we taxpayers are obligated to pay. A truly nonpartisan approach to budgeting in Oregon is sorely needed, and Jeff is a champion for better behavior and results.
His opponent in the race for House Dist. 52 appears also to be a concerned and decent person with the interests of the elderly and education of youth uppermost in her mind. However, she has no idea how to pay for those concerns other than new taxes, including a sales tax on groceries, or, for that matter, a gross receipts tax on business. This last item was soundly rejected by the voters in this district and statewide but would surely be resurrected if the Democrat party is able to achieve a supermajority in Salem.
Don’t let that happen; vote for Jeff Helfrich.
David Buoy